If you search something in the search bar up at the top right, the search results will appear on the right-hand side and hide the member list. If you're on Direct Messages, this won't appear. The right side of the screen, if you're on a server or group DM, will be the list of members on the server and their roles. If you're on the Direct Message screen without a chat open, it will either be the Activity page or your Friends list. The center of the screen is the chat messages. Underneath these lists will be your username and profile image, your 'online' status, whether your microphone is muted, whether your headphones are 'deafened', and your settings. If you’re asked if you want to improve Siri and Dictation, do one of the following: Share audio recordings: Click Share Audio. If a prompt appears, click Enable Dictation. The left side of the screen will be either your Friends List or a list of channels in a server, depending on whether you're on the Direct Message screen or a Discord server, respectively. On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Keyboard, then click Dictation. In the System Preferences window where you set the Voice and Key Combination you can also make the computer announce the time and warn you when a pop-up window appears. You can press the key combination again to stop speaking. The far left side of the screen is where Direct Messages will show up and where any servers you've joined will show up. You can right click on the text and click Stop Speaking. The basics are easy enough to learn, too! Text To Speech Mp3 It will toggle you through the different settings as stated in the. This will not instantly turn off the narrator. TURN OFF TEXT TO SPEECH MAC HOW TO
However, a lot of it is really just learning how to use the layout. There are two ways to go about this: If you’re on PC, the easiest way to turn off the Minecraft narrator is to simply press the two keys that activate the Minecraft narrator command at once, which are CTRL and B.
If you've never used Discord before, or aren't very familiar with instant-messenger apps in general, you may be a bit confused on how to use it.